Thursday, March 26, 2009

Plans underway! Travel is a Month Away!

Mary Ann and I will be travelling to Nigeria in late April to attend my neice Tariye Isoun's wedding, and to spend a bit of time with my sister Miriam and her husband Turner Isoun. The groom is Ademola Gbadegesin, a gentleman she met here in the US. They are living in Lagos, Nigeria, the marriage will be in Abuja, Nigeria, and we hope to hit a few other hotspots while we are there.
We have gotten some shots, we have reserved flights, and we received our visas from the Nigerian embassy yesterday. So it looks like we are set to go. My cousin John Wentworth, his wife Melinda, and their son Matthew will be going as well. The bride's sister Ebitari and her husband Matt Larsen of Long Beach, CA will be going, so the family will be represented. My nephew and my sister's oldest child, Diseye and his wife Ilse and daughter Hella Yenami live in Abuja, and will participate in all the festivities. Miriam has arranged for some appropriate attire - we want to blend in, you know! I've loved the various pieces of Nigerian clothing I've received over the years, so I am excited to have a dress up outfit. The tailor has probably not made onne requiring the full width of the bolt before...
We actually leave April 20, travelling from Detroit to Frankfort, Germany. After a few hours layover, we travel to Abuja with one stop in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, arriving at 8 PM on April 21. We return June 2, arriving in Detroit late afternoon on June 3. We may try to rearrange at the other end to allow a few days in Germany on the way back, but that is not a high priority. We have a few items to pick up, that we want to deliver to various folks while there. Otherwise we are anxious to get going!
Check back here now and then - we will try to keep this updated at least occasionally.
Love, M.A. and Jim

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting excited FOR you!!
    I'll be checking in frequently so post often, okay? This will be the closest I'll ever get to Nigeria ` thru YOUR eyes. Can't wait to see how you'll both look at the wedding. :)

